
7 Reasons You Should NOT Be Considered for LASIK

LASIK eye surgery involves cutting into the cornea, removing small sections from within, and then reattaching and sealing the edges...
7 Reasons You Should NOT Be Considered for LASIK

LASIK eye surgery involves cutting into the cornea, removing small sections from within, and then reattaching and sealing the edges of the cornea. The procedure can be relatively safe for some individuals and disastrous for others.

A visit to an eye care professional can tell you whether you would make a good candidate for the surgery or if you are ineligible for the procedure. The sensitive nature of the surgery can disqualify many individuals who are predisposed to eye problems or have health concerns that affect vision.

Reasons You Many Not Be Eligible for LASIK

Several illnesses have a direct impact on vision and cause gradual deterioration. This, along with several other issues, can disqualify a person from even being considered for the surgery. A few of them are:

  • Uncontrolled diabetes – Diabetes affects vision at a progressive rate. Vision can begin to be affected as the disease advances causing the health of the eyes, and subsequently their vision, to deteriorate.
  • Extremely dry eyes – Extremely dry eyes can hinder the healing process and cause scar tissue to form.
  • Corneal scarring – Excessive wear of contacts or rubbing the eyes during allergy season can lead to scarring. Scarring can cause the surface of the eye to become distorted causing halos to appear on lights as they shine into the eye.
  • Autoimmune/Rheumatologic conditions – Autoimmune and rheumatologic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus cause the body to attack its own tissues. This can have a direct impact on a person’s vision and overall eye health.
  • Pregnant and nursing mothers – As a pregnant or nursing mother’s hormone levels fluctuate, they can cause differences in vision. Many times, these issues correct themselves when hormone levels return to normal after the birth of the child.
  • Degenerative corneal or eye disease – Degenerative corneal and eye disease will cause vision to continue to worsen even after the surgery is performed.
  • Not enough corneal tissue – In some cases, there is not enough corneal tissue to perform the LASIK surgery.

LASIK surgery is not for everyone. Individuals with progressive health conditions are automatically disqualified for consideration for corrective surgeries. The surgery may benefit them for a short period of time, but eventually their condition will cause their vision to worsen negating any positive effect. Talking to a vision professional can help a person determine whether or not they are suitable candidate for the surgery.

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